
Parses Oregon Scientific Protocol and sends to MQTT server. Uses ESP8266 Thing from Sparkfun

Primary LanguageArduino

This parses Oregon Scientific protocol v3 signals from a 433MHz receiver and sends the data to a MQTT server.

The hardware uses an ESP8266 Sparkfun Thing in order to contact wifi directly. GPIO 4 is input from an external 433MHz receiver unit

In order to compile you have to provide a local.c with this content in it:

const char *wifi_ssid =  "***YOUR WIFI SSID***";
const char *wifi_pass =  "***YOUR WIFI PASSWORD***";
const int mqtt_host_ip[4] = {
    /* Your MQTT server's host ip address */

MQTT topic structure is:

Topic Description
osc/rain rain total inches, don't know the time range for the total?
osc/rain_rate rain rate in inches per hour
osc/wind_speed average speed m/s
osc/wind_gust gust speed m/s
osc/wind_direction 0 through 360 degrees, compass rose... however direction is quantized internally to 16 segments coming off the sensor
osc/temperature celsius
osc/humidity whole percent