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Hello everyone.
I am new to the Deep Learning field. I was working on to get some practice.

I am using my cca account. I succeeded to use wget and singularity.
I think I am a bit lost in OrcaNet. I succeeded to use wget and singularity. I didn’t quite know what output am I expecting as nothing has popped up, this is the only output I get:

Screen Shot 2021-03-31 at 5 06 36 PM

After that, I have written the toml files so I did them using “Atom” and saved them. I didn’t know how can I move them to the cca directory (I am using the cca directory because I didn’t succeed to use wget nor download singularity because I am using a Mac) so I just carried on to the third step "orcanet train my_first_orcanet_training" or "orcanet summarize my_first_orcanet_training"
and I got the following errors that I don’t know where to try fixing them because I don’t actually have a code.

Screen Shot 2021-03-31 at 5 08 39 PM

I would appreciate any help 🙂 Thank you.