
FDS Disc Swapping not working?

bolton80 opened this issue · 4 comments

Step 1: Describe your setup:

  • hakchi2 CE version: 3.5.3
  • retroarch used (filename): 177 xtreme
  • hmod(s) used by the game you are having problems with (filenames): nestopia

Step 2: Describe the problem:

I've finally added some FDS games to my SNES mini. I have the disksys.rom file in the system folder, the games start up ok, but when it gets to the "Please insert Disc B" screens, I can't get any further. I've checked and L and R are set for Disc Eject and Swap Disc, but neither of them are doing anything when I press them. Each game only seems to come in one .fds file, so I don't think I'm missing anything in terms of files. Please advise?

Notes: Are you in the right place?

Hm no problem here, tested with Zelda, with Nestopia simply press L once and wait 1-2 second it should automatically switch side.

With FCEUmm you have to press R to eject, then L to swap and R again to insert.

@bolton80 I will need to do an Updated video on this:) An oldie, but still applicable!

@bolton80 If you still have any trouble, let me know:) But, the video I showcased should work perfectly as far as running games that "do" work!

Hi Kyland,

Sorry for not replying sooner. I've got the disc-swapping working after watching your video. Thanks!