Cores booting using files on volumes other that local or archive

nuggreat opened this issue · 0 comments

It it is possible to get cores to boot off of volumes other than the local volume or archive by changing the volume's name to a number.

Reproduction: Put two cores on one vessel tag one of them with the number 2 and the other with 2 but spelled out set them both to be use different boot files. The core tagged with "two" will boot normally where as the core tagged as "2" will throw a "can't find file" error. If the boot file that the core tagged as "2" gets added to the boot directory of the core tagged "two" then both cores will boot but the core though both cores will be executing off of the volume of the core tagged "two".

Likely related to this is should you have only one core and tag it "2" relative paths will break and no boot file can be set or used unless you are booting off the archive.

My guess is that this is being caused by or related to the fact that kOS is set up so that volumes can be accessed by numeric index regardless of what the volume is actually named.

The simple fix would be to simply expand the the removed characters added in PR #2726 to include when the tag is a number.