
MMWD is removing Forum MM even when there's no /L installed.

Lisias opened this issue · 3 comments

That's the deal: old and deprecated MM are scattered on the scene, playing havoc with KSP installations when the user inadvertently install it on the rig.

So MMWD checks for rogue old copies of MM and remove them when found. It keeps record of the user's preference for my /L or Forum when in doubt.

Problem: if the user removes /L and replaces it with Forum's, MMWD after checking for the user's preference and being it /L will gladly remove Forum's anyway, rendering the rig unusable.

Solution: MMWD should not remove the "rogue" MM if it is the only one available at the time.

Curiously... I'm not being able to reproduce the problem today... So I can't tell if my code intended to fix this will do any good...


Delaying this thing until I manage to reproduce the problem again. It was not so simple as I thought, there's something else happening.

I'm on the verge of considering this "invalid", as I couldn't reproduce it again.

I will leave this opened for some more time, until I manage to get enough time to really dig into it.