PartLoader Errors
DRVeyl opened this issue · 0 comments
DRVeyl commented
Environment: RO, ROEngines, B9PartSwitch, with clean-up from #78
Remaining issues:
Missing assets:
[ERR 10:43:38.125] Texture 'ROEngines/Assets/BDB/UASRM/bluedog_Titan2_SecondStageTank' not found!
[ERR 10:43:38.126] Texture 'ROEngines/Assets/BDB/UASRM/bluedog_Titan2_SecondStageTank_NRM' not found!
[ERR 10:43:38.128] Texture 'ROEngines/Assets/BDB/UASRM/bluedog_Titan_innerGlow' not found!
[ERR 10:43:40.598] Texture 'ROEngines/Assets/RealEngines/RD120normal_NRM' not found!
[ERR 10:43:40.906] Texture 'ROEngines/Assets/RN/aerobee300_main' not found!
[ERR 10:43:41.195] Texture 'ROEngines/Assets/RN/kosmos2_rd119_NRM' not found!
[ERR 10:43:41.323] Texture 'ROEngines/Assets/RN/kosmos2_fs_tank' not found!
[ERR 10:43:42.334] Texture 'ROEngines/Assets/SSTUKatniss/SC-ENG-J-2-DIFF' not found!
[ERR 10:43:42.336] Texture 'ROEngines/Assets/SSTUKatniss/SC-ENG-J-2-NRM' not found!
[ERR 10:43:42.337] Texture 'ROEngines/Assets/SSTUKatniss/SC-ENG-J-2-GLOW' not found!
Missing/invalid transform names:
[ERR 10:44:49.521] [ERROR] [Part ROE-Antares1.Inline] [ModuleB9DisableTransform] No transforms named 'Fairing' found in model
[ERR 10:44:49.780] [ERROR] [Part ROE-Antares2.Inline] [ModuleB9DisableTransform] No transforms named 'Fairing' found in model
[ERR 10:44:54.999] [ERROR] [Part ROE-LR79] [ModuleB9DisableTransform] No transforms named 'fairing' found in model
[ERR 10:44:55.155] [ERROR] [Part ROE-LR87.11] [ModuleB9DisableTransform] No transforms named 'fairing' found in model
[ERR 10:44:55.519] [ERROR] [Part ROE-LR87] [ModuleB9DisableTransform] No transforms named 'fairing' found in model
[ERR 10:44:59.430] [ERROR] [Part ROE-RD0120] [ModuleB9DisableTransform] No transforms named '43' found in model
[ERR 10:45:02.648] [ERROR] [Part ROE-RS27] [ModuleB9DisableTransform] No transforms named 'fairing' found in model
Decoupler config issues:
[LOG 10:44:50.297] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ROEngines/PartConfigs/BabySergeant_RN/ROE-BabySergeantX3Dec'
[ERR 10:44:50.304] Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler
(... also for the other two ROE-BabySergeant decouplers)
Unknown BDB requirements:
[LOG 10:44:53.737] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ROEngines/PartConfigs/Jupiter_Vernier_BDB/ROE-JupiterVernier'
[ERR 10:44:53.754] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleBdbDepthMask'
ModuleEnginesRF Vernier / Transforms:
[LOG 10:45:05.932] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ROEngines/PartConfigs/X405_BDB/ROE-X405'
[ERR 10:45:05.945] [ModuleEnginesRF] no transforms named vernierEffects found