Suggestion: Add max eccentricity to the Tundra Orbit Test Satellite contract
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Currently, the Tundra Orbit Test Satellite requests an orbit with the following parameters (FirstTundraSat.cfg):
minInclination = 61.4
maxInclination = 65.4
minEccentricity = 0.3
minArgumentOfPeriapsis = 220
maxArgumentOfPeriapsis = 320
minPeA = 1000000
minPeriod = 23h 54m 4s
maxPeriod = 23h 58m 4s
The issue I found when I first completed this contract was that I chose an eccentricity that yielded a Molniya orbit with a period of 23h 56m. If I had planned a similar orbit for the subsequent targeted contract I would not have understood how to get the required apogee dwell. I believe it is possible to better guide new players and improve the experience by adding a maximum eccentricity of 0.4, such that the player has to an actual Tundra orbit and is ready to tackle the next contract.
The description could also be improved, since it guides the player into Molniya-like orbits with the passage
"An extreme version of this orbit puts the perigee around 1000 km and the apogee around 70,000 km."