
Tarerobee configs are out of date

zer0Kerbal opened this issue · 6 comments

User brought this to my attention:

Can’t use Aniline22 with RealFuels


real (pun intended) question is: who should control/publish the Taerobee compatibility patches; doesn't matter to me

in either case, am already working on updating the patches.

Query - currently the part manufacturer is set to manufacturer = #autoLOC_501627, which localizes to #autoLOC_501627 = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co. Would you like me to change the manufacturer to Aerojet General and/or add and an agency named Aerojet General to Taerobee (rather a simple issue)?


This issue is unrelated the the Taerobee configs, rather, all configs that use the old tank type system (most of them) don't get access too new resources added by RO. This should be resolved be resolving that issue.

the Taerobee configs are out of date, and use the wrong part names. Correcting at least the part names will fix the basic issue.

Ok. I would advise setting the manufacturer to #roMfrAerojet, as found here

Plan is that over the next week or so to pick through the patches, and comment out redundant patches, and update the part names - will upload them and PR them in for you to look at.

siimav commented

and comment out redundant patches

One does not comment out redundant patches; one removes redundant patches.

and comment out redundant patches

One does not comment out redundant patches; one removes redundant patches.

agree - I meant comment out the parts of a patch that are redundant; however upon further thought - will just eliminate those parts instead. :D