
EngineVariants_Config.cfg doesn't support bimodal engines

lpgagnon opened this issue · 1 comments

EngineVariants_Config.cfg applies a bunch of patches to ModuleEngineConfigs, and is unaware that there are ModuleBimodalEngineConfigs now.

Haven't gone looking whether any existing parts are impacted; hopefully not. But will be confusing to anyone trying to use these features with bimodal engines in the future.

I'll be fixing the massOffset bit because I'm poking at it; but won't be touching the rest.

This isn't the first time it's come up, and it's always going to be a little annoying to fix. Instead of having to add a MBEC-supporting case everywhere, would it make sense to switch all MBECs to MECs, and give them some sort of tag that can be checked to convert them to MBEC late in the patching process?