
smart contract languages

monperrus opened this issue · 44 comments

Fe is a statically typed language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It is inspired by Python and Rust which makes it easy to learn -- especially for new developers entering the Ethereum ecosystem.

Yul (previously also called JULIA or IULIA) is an intermediate language that can be compiled to bytecode for different backends.

And Yul+ https://fuellabs.medium.com/introducing-yul-a-new-low-level-language-for-ethereum-aa64ce89512f

Michelson smart-contract language, used in the Tezos blockchain

Act: Smart contract specification language

Contributor @MrChico may be located in STHLM

Cairo is a programming language for writing provable programs, where one party can prove to another that a certain computation was executed correctly.

Marlowe - a domain-specific language, it covers the world of financial contracts (Cardano)

Scilla - A Smart Contract Intermediate Level Language

BitML BitML smart contracts to Bitcoin transactions

DeCon, a declarative programming language for implementing smart contracts

Verifying Declarative Smart Contracts in DeCon

Teal: Algorand smart contracts are written in Transaction Execution Approval Language (TEAL). These contracts can be written directly or with Python using the PyTeal library.

ink! is an embedded DSL eDSL to write smart contracts in Rust for blockchains built on the Substrate framework. ink! contracts are compiled to WebAssembly.


cc/ @Jacarte

Huff is a low level assembly language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine built in blazing-fast pure rust.

Daml: A Smart Contract Language for Securely Automating Real-World Multi-Party Business Workflows

CSL language (Contract Specification Language): https://docs.deondigital.com/latest/csl/index.html

The Deon Runtime is a JVM library that implements the core functionality needed to work with CSL contracts and events https://docs.deondigital.com/latest/ledger-integrations/DeonRuntime.html

The Cadence Programming Language is a new high-level programming language intended for smart contract development.

sCrypt is a smart contract language for Bitcoin SV

Glow is a domain-specific language for writing safe DApps (Decentralized Applications).

Flint - a type-safe, contract-oriented programming language specifically designed for writing robust smart contracts on Ethereum

Formality - an efficient programming language featuring formal proofs

Lira - a declarative domain-specific language for defining simple yet highly complex financial contracts for EVM

Sway - a Rust-based Smart Contract Language

SmartPy a python-like smart contract language for Tezos, used by fxhash

Dissecting Smart Contract Languages: A Survey. (arXiv:2310.02799v1 [cs.CR])

Table 5 contains the 36 surveyed languages
ADICO Babbage Bamboo Bitcoin Script BitML DAML E eWASM Fi Findel FirmoLang Flint Formality Functional-solidity IELE Ivy L4 Liquidity LLL Logikon Lolisa Michelson Obsidian Plutus Pyramid QSCL Rholang RIDE Scilla Serpent Simplicity Simvolio Solidity SolidityX Viper/Vyper Yul

Move is a programming language for writing safe smart contracts originally developed at Facebook

Now used in the Aptos framework, see https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core 36% of Move

List from Legally Enforceable Smart-Contract Languages: A Systematic Literature Review. ACM Comput. Surv. 2022

Solidity Vyper Idris Flint Formality Pyramid Findel Michelson Plutus-Core Rholang Marlowe Pact Sophia Fift Ivy Typecoin Lolisa Bamboo Mutan Script Move Obsidian IELE Fi Scilla BitML Simplicity Liquidity F-Sol FSolidM BALZaC LLL Babbage RIDE DSL4SC SmaCoNat ADICO ErgoScript SPESC Reaction- RuleML Commit-RuleML DAML eSML BCRL QSCL

See Table 10 and Table 13

Plutus is the native smart contract language for Cardano. It is a Turing-complete language written in Haskell, and Plutus smart contracts are effectively Haskell programs


See also
Translation Certification for Smart Contracts (Plutus)

Juvix is a language for intent-centric and declarative contracts on the Anoma blockchain

infrastructure in Haskell

Agoric uses a secure subset of JavaScript to enable object capabilities and smart contracts.

Stellar’s native smart contracts platform is called Soroban
The language to write a contract is Rust

Chialisp is a variant of Lisp for smart contracts on the Chia blockchain.
It is a pure and functional language with a focus on security and auditability.

It has been proposed to port it for Bitcoin, see https://delvingbitcoin.org/t/chia-lisp-for-bitcoiners/636

Aiken for Cardano

Aiken is a high-level language with a minimal set of features for programming the on-chain part, Similarly to Plutus Tx, Aiken is a functional language compiling to Plutus Core


SCIF: A Language for Compositional Smart Contract Security