
Getting Started command outdated

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The following command in Getting Stated is outdated:

python main_onnx.py --model inputs/examples/workloads/alexnet_inferred.onnx --accelerator inputs.examples.hardware.TPU_like --mapping inputs.examples.mapping.alexnet_on_tpu_like

The name of the hardware and mapping have changed, the correct command is the following (using Eyeriss instead of TPU):

python main_onnx.py --model inputs/examples/workloads/alexnet_int8_inferred.onnx --accelerator inputs.examples.hardware.Eyeriss_like --mapping inputs.examples.mapping.alexnet_on_eyeriss_like

Other part of the text in the Getting Started page of the doc need to be updated too.


asyms commented

Thanks for noting this Victor! The documentation has been updated.