
Roadmap: web-based QMRA tool for AQUANES

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  1. The tool should be executed through the AquaNES DSS. This would be just a selection button that executes the link to the tool. Within the tool there should also be a link back to the DSS.
  2. The R based tool of KWB will be used as the back-end calculator. Patrick, Wolfgang and Michael will be in contact on further changes of settings / improvements *(peer to peer discussion) (summer 2018),
  3. The platform containing data, tools and front end can (in principle) also run other tools. This is not foreseen within aquaNES



  • Thomas checks available microbial data in different sites (esp. site 8) for progress check #9
  • Thomas will organize a conference call in the week before July 21st, in order to align activities on the data terminology and (additional) parameter requirements between Patrick, Michael, Ulf and Mark – Ulf will fix the agenda for minutes see #10
  • Ulf selects Greek site for QMRA for progress check #11


  • Define uniform naming and units for parameters and system settings and characteristics: Wastewater treatment + AquaNES demonstrated technologies (Michael KWB), Drinking water treatment (Patrick KWR) Deadline july 21st, for progress check #1
  • Develop initial (default value) dataset in order to enable to run the system (Michael KWB) (July?? 2018), for progress check #2
  • Compile database with available data from KWR-KWB, AquaNES other sources for more comprehensive and interactive QMRA and apply uniform structure on naming (KWB, KWR) (filling until the end of project), for progress check #3

Back-end / engine

  • R-tool potentially adapted after peer to peer discussions and QMRA spot comparison (Wolfgang/Michael KWB, Patrick KWR), (deadline November?), for progress check #4

Web based interface / front end

  • Feed back from Budapest WW on front end design (storyboard) in conference call or similar (Mark, (Alifta), Anthony (Patrick) ; contacts through Thomas KWR) (deadline july) for progress check #6
  • Adapt tool with feedback Budapest WW (Mark, (Alifta), Anthony??) (deadline sept 2018) for progress check #7
  • Test dummy run of beta version by Budapest water under supervision of QMRA team (people to be appointed) deadline nov 2018 >> suggestion in long breakout session in Athens m 30 meeting on site instead of via internet, include also other partners from workpackage 1, 2, 3?! for progress check #8

Source: email from Thomas (received: 2018-06-08 10:03, updated after telefone conference on 2018-07-5 20:30)