
Encoder and decoder for Artifact decks.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Encoder and decoder for decks of the Artifact game. See reference coder by Valve.

Documentation is available online.


Decode a deck code string:

iex> ArtifactDeckCode.decode("ADCJWkTZX05uwGDCRV4XQGy3QGLmqUBg4GQJgGLGgO7AaABR3JlZW4vQmxhY2sgRXhhbXBsZQ__")
   cards: [
     {3000, 2},
     {3001, 1},
     {10091, 3},
   heroes: [{4005, 2}, {10014, 1}, {10017, 3}, {10026, 1}, {10047, 1}],
   name: "Green/Black Example"

Encode a deck:

iex> ArtifactDeckCode.encode(%{name: "Optional deck name",
...>    heroes: [{4000, 1}, {4003, 1}, {10054, 1}, {10014, 2}, {10070, 3}],
...>    cards: [{3000, 2}, {3001, 2}, {3002, 2}],
...> })
{:ok, "ADCJecRIH0De7sBKAGQeF1BQVJlZC9HcmVlbiBCcmF3bGVy"}

Deck format

A deck is just a map with keys :heroes, :cards and an optional key :name.

heroes is a list of {hero_card_id, hero_entrance_turn}.

cards is a list of {card_id, card_count}.


The package can be installed by adding artifact_deck_code to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:artifact_deck_code, "~> 0.1.0"}