
Functioning Promises to save us from the Broken Promises!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Functional Promises

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npm install functional-promise


This library is aimed at supporting a specific Function Chaining technique (using composition).

There are many names for this pattern. Including Composition Pipeline and Promise Chain. The emphasis here is a seamless async/sync Developer Experience. I call this pattern a Functional River - essentially your data is processed in a deterministic sequence of steps (functions).


  • Easily handle Sync, Async, Events, Promises, and Callbacks.
  • Familiar methods, including Array.prototype.map, [].filter(), [].find(), [].some(), etc.
  • Create Monads in JavaScript (so far as they contain side-effects to a sequence of instructions).
  • Point-free code is easily achieved.
  • Higher code test coverage w/ less repetitive code in tests.
  • Use the best features from multiple programming styles: a little imperative, plenty functional, a pinch of OOP, yet still resembling declarative methods!!!

How? Let's look at some examples...

Getting Started

Use one of the following:

const FP = require('functional-promise')
// or:
import FP from 'functional-promise'

Quick Examples

Using .map()

FP.resolve([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
  .map(x => x * 2)
  .map(x => x * 2)
  .then(results => {
    // results === [4, 8, 12, 16, 20]

Handling Events

Create function chains to handle the case where memoized promises don't fit very naturally.

For example streams & event handlers must (usually) support multiple calls over time.

Here's how FP.chain() and FP.chainEnd()/FP.listen(obj, event) help you handle this like a pro:

const button = document.getElementById('submitBtn')
FP.chain() // start a chain
  .then(({target}) => { // destructure 'target' from the `event`
    target.textContent = 'Clicked!'
  .listen(button, 'click') // end the repeatable chain, started at `.chain()`


  • Then-based extensions
    • Arrays
      • .map(fn)
      • .filter(fn)
      • .find(fn)
      • .findIndex(fn)
      • .some(fn)
      • .none(fn)
      • .series(fn)
      • .forEach(fn) - use .map() - write proper functions
    • Errors (WIP)
      • .catch(fn)
      • .catch(filter, fn)
    • Conditional
      • .thenIf()
    • Utilities
      • FP.all(Object/Array)
      • .tap(fn)
      • FP.unpack
    • Chaining and Composition
      • .chain()
      • .chainEnd()
    • Properties
      • .get(keyName)
      • .set(keyName, value)
  • Modifier extensions
    • .quiet() - prevents errors from stopping array methods mid-loop
    • .concurrency(threadLimit) - limits parallel workers for array methods


FP.map(iterable, transformFn)
FP.resolve([1, 2, 3, 4, Promise.resolve(5)])
  .map(x => x * 2)
  .then(results => {
    assert.deepEqual(results, [2, 4, 6, 8, 10])
FP.filter(iterable, filterFn)
const isEven = x => x % 2 === 0
FP.resolve([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
  .then(results => {
    assert.deepEqual(results, [2, 4])

Returns first item to return truthy for fn(item)

If no match is found it will return undefined.

const isEven = x => x % 2 === 0
FP.resolve([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
  .then(results => {
    assert.deepEqual(results, 2)

Returns first item's index to return truthy for fn(item)

If no match is found it will return -1.

const isEven = x => x % 2 === 0
FP.resolve([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
  .then(results => {
    assert.equal(results, 1)
FP.forEach() alias of .map()


FP.set(keyName, value)
// create a chain to handle events:
  .set('textContent', 'Clicked!')
  .listen(button, 'click')

It may be unfamiliar at first, but I bet you can guess what that does.

Here's basically the same code:

const button = document.getElementById('submitBtn')
  .then(element => element.textContent = 'Clicked!')
  .listen(button, 'click')


(Forgive me Haskell people, but I'm calling this a monad)

const pChain = FP.chain()...[chain].chainEnd()


Create a re-usable sequence of steps:

const squareAndFormatDecimal = FP
  .map(x => x * x)
  .map(x => parseFloat(x).toFixed(2))
// typeof squareAndFormatDecimal === 'function'
.then(num => {
  console.log('squareAndFormatDecimal() Results: ', num)
  // num === ['25.00']

Create a re-usable event handler - all with simple functions.

function addTodoHandler() {
  const statusLbl = document.querySelector('label.status')
  const setStatus = s => statusLbl.textContent = s
  const setError  = err => setStatus(`ERROR: ${err}`)

  return FP
    .then(event => event.target)
    .then(form => form.querySelector('input.todo-text').value)
    .then(todoText => ({id: null, complete: false, text: todoText}))
    .then(createResult => setStatus(createResult.message))

const form = document.querySelector('form')
const submitHandler = addTodoHandler()
form.addEventListener('submit', submitHandler)
Realistic .chain() Example

A more realistic 'class' like object.

Again, still all with simple functions:

// implement a simple controller/component interface:
const todoCtrl = TodoController()

  .add('new item')
  .then(result => {
    todoCtrl.update({id: 1, text: 'updated item', complete: true})

 * Here's a more realistic, 'tighter' example:
 * TodoController will return an object with `add` and `update` methods
 *  - based on FP.chain()
function TodoController() {
  const statusLbl = document.querySelector('label.status')
  const setStatus = s => statusLbl.textContent = s

  return {
    add: FP.chain()
      .then(input => ({id: null, complete: false, text: input}))
      .tap(createResult => setStatus(createResult.message))
    update: FP.chain()
      .then(input => ({id: input.id, complete: input.complete, text: input.text}))
      .tap(updateResult => setStatus(updateResult.message))



FP.chain()...[chain].listen(element, ...eventNames)

.listen() calls the function returned by .chainEnd()



Turn anything into an FP Promise.

Use with existing Promise supporting libraries.


Use fetch with FP.thenIf() to handle 4xx or 5xx responses as proper exceptions.

FP.resolve(fetch('/profile', {method: 'GET'}))
    res => res.ok, // Check for 2xx status code using `fetch`'s behavior
    res => res.json(), // Success, so pass along the JSON-parsed body
    res => Promise.reject(new Error('Profile GET Failed'))) // Fails here if response not `ok`
  .get('avatar') // Get the response JSON object's `avatar` key value
  .then(avatarUrl => imageElem.src = avatarUrl)

Email validation

// Use like so:
    e => e.length > 5, // Conditional
    e => console.log('Valid: ', e), // ifTrue
    e => console.error('Bad Email: ', e)) // ifFalse

// Or use small helper methods like so:
const checkEmail = email => FP.resolve(email)
  .thenIf(e => e.length > 5)

// Or to check if a user login successfully returned a token:
const authUser = (email, pass) =>
  FP.resolve({email, pass})
  .then(({email, pass}) => svc.loginAndGetUser(email, pass))
    user => user.token, // is valid login
    user => user, // return user to next .then function
    () => {throw new Error('Login Failed!')})) // failed token test

FP.all provides an extended utility above the native Promise.all(), supporting Objects and Arrays.

  one: promise,
  two: promise
.then(results =>
  // results === {
  //   one: 1,
  //   two: 2}
.then(results =>
  // results === [1, 2])

Use sparingly, this is uses destructuring to (more cleanly) achieve what deferred attempts. deferred is an anti-pattern 90% of the time. Stream & event handling are exempt from this 'rule'.

function uncommonEventHandlingEdgeCase() {
  const { promise, resolve, reject } = FP.unpack()
  setTimeout(() => { resolve('All done!') }, 1000)
  return promise
  .then(result =>
    // result === 'All done!'

Thanks to several influencial projects: RxJS, Bluebird, asynquence, FantasyLand, Gulp, HighlandJS, et al.

Special thanks to Kyle Simpson, Eric Elliot, MPJ.