
No sound on weld connection and after weld. (More of a suggestion)

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I've used some of the cheaper welders over the years and they always give an audible indication of the weld taking place. Seemed weird it wasn't on here. I also wanted one when the probes where detected.

Maybe it's just me, but I really prefer the additional audio feedback.

I did a quick hack on mine, just including the code to show you what I mean.

if ( shortPulseDelay < 1 ) shortPulseDelay = 1;

tone(PIN_BUZZ, 1000, 200);

// Wait the pulse engagement delay time.
if ( sensePin == PIN_AUTO_PULSE ) {
	wait.opt = PGR_ON;
	wait.time = delayEngage;

	while ( !drawProgress( &wait, false ) ) {
		if ( digitalRead( PIN_AUTO_PULSE ) != activePinState ) {
			drawProgress( &wait, true );
} else {
	delay( delayEngage );

tone(PIN_BUZZ, 1000, 200);

if ( pData.shortPulseTime > 0 && pData.pulseTime > 3 ) {
	// Send the pre-heat pulse.
	weldPulse( P_ON );
	delay( shortPulseDelay );
	weldPulse( P_OFF );

	// Wait the inter-pulse delay time.
	delay( shortPulseDelay );

As I said, just a suggestion for a software update going forward.

Thank you for that idea. I will implement it in the next software version. I think it is best to make the sound selectable in the menu. So the user can decide if they want to turn it on or off.