
mkl_dfti.h: No such file or directory

qburst-jerinjoseph opened this issue · 4 comments

I have tried

go get github.com/Kagami/go-face

It gives me following error.

/usr/include/dlib/matrix/matrix_fft.h:12:22: fatal error: mkl_dfti.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

From following link https://github.com/bakercp/ofxDlib/blob/master/docs/TROUBLESHOOTING.md
It is saying "Adjust your addons_config.mk file to include MKL."
But I can not find any addons_config.mk file. Can u guys help me out.


What's your operating system? How did you install dlib?

OS: Ubuntu 16.04
and dlib is downloaded using PPA

This issue looks very similar to #10.
Have you created /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/dlib-1.pc? You should use the one provided by PPA.

Closing for now, please comment if that doesn't solve issue for you.