Help changing the container/codec
ScribbleGhost opened this issue · 0 comments
ScribbleGhost commented
This is strictly not an issue, but I am trying to modify the script to make an MP4 file instead.
I switched out rawvideo
with libx264
and avi
with mp4
local o = {
target_dir = "~",
vcodec = "libx264",
acodec = "pcm_s16le",
prevf = "",
vf = "format=yuv444p16$hqvf,scale=in_color_matrix=$matrix,format=bgr24",
hqvf = "",
postvf = "",
opts = "",
ext = "mp4",
command_template = [[
ffmpeg -v warning -y -stats
-ss $shift -i "$in" -t $duration
-c:v $vcodec -c:a $acodec $audio
-vf $prevf$vf$postvf $opts "$out.$ext"
However, it still outputs a video as MKV (the input source).
ffmpeg -hwaccel auto -ss 1.168 -i "C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\samples.mkv" -t 4.254 -c:v copy -c:a copy -map 0 -sn "C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\samples - 00-00-1.168-00-00-5.422.mkv"
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.