
关于webrtc的问题(On the problem of webrtc)

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我用js的getusermedia方法获取到了视频流 但是我想分割成多段视频 用常规的方法slice 出现了 只有第一段可以播放 于是我了解到需要在视频上加头信息 谁可以帮我写段js代码 在视频上加信息 让所有的视频都可以正常的播放
I used the JS getusermedia method to get the video stream, but I wanted to split it into multiple segments of video using the conventional method, slice appeared only the first paragraph, so I learned that I needed to add the header information on the video who could help me write a segment of the JS code to add information to the video so that all the visual frequency could be played normally.