
problem about the python Memory leak?

wangzelong0663 opened this issue · 2 comments

When I run the code below:

from kaggle_environments import evaluate
import gc 
import objgraph

# Same definitions as "make" above.
environment = "halite"
configuration = {"episodeSteps":21, "size": 21, "randomSeed": 123456}
steps = []
# Which agents to run repeatedly.  Same as env.run(agents)
agents = ["random", "random"]

# How many times to run them.
num_episodes = 1
count  = 0
while 1:
    rewards = evaluate(environment, agents, configuration, steps, num_episodes)
    print('count %s, objgraph.by_type:'%count,len(objgraph.by_type('list')))
    count += 1

And output logs are :

Loading environment football failed: No module named 'gfootball'
function                       9630     +9630
dict                           5061     +5061
tuple                          4441     +4441
weakref                        2372     +2372
wrapper_descriptor             2149     +2149
list                           1500     +1500
method_descriptor              1387     +1387
getset_descriptor              1349     +1349
builtin_function_or_method     1190     +1190
type                           1099     +1099
count 0, objgraph.by_type: 1500
list        1522       +22
Struct        49        +5
weakref     2373        +1
count 1, objgraph.by_type: 1522
list     1544       +22
count 2, objgraph.by_type: 1544
list     1566       +22
count 3, objgraph.by_type: 1566
list     1588       +22
count 4, objgraph.by_type: 1588
list     1610       +22
count 5, objgraph.by_type: 1610
list     1632       +22
count 6, objgraph.by_type: 1632
list     1654       +22
count 7, objgraph.by_type: 1654
list     1676       +22

The len(objgraph.by_type('list') will add 22 same to the "episodeSteps":21 plus one all the time.
Even if I use the gc.collect().

Is this the problem about the python Memory leak? Is there anyway to fix it?
Because I find that when I run the evaluate function repeatedly for the very long time(such as with the loop of whlie True:), there are some problems with my memory.

I believe I fixed this issue in PR #157, can you confirm this? You can confirm this by checking out this branch, and then running your test.

I tried running your code with the main branch (leaking) and my branch (not leaking).

The leak is likely caused by logs and other function parameters that were passed as reference at function definition time.

Should be fixed in #157