Learning Specular and Roughness fails and produces a strange phenomenon
HaldonFu opened this issue · 5 comments
HaldonFu commented
Kai-46 commented
This work assumes colocated flash lighting, rather than the envmap lighting as in PhySG.
HaldonFu commented
Thank you for your reply. I also want to ask how the results of duck or kitty in the synthetic_assets are obtained. Can you tell me?
Kai-46 commented
You might want to take a closer look at the readme regarding synthetic data rendering with Mitsuba.
HaldonFu commented
Thank you for your reply! I want to know how to convert the envmap_lighting data as in PhySG into flashlight data, and how to get the mesh, diffuse/specular albedo and roughness like in synthetic_assets? Can you tell me?
Kai-46 commented
As far as I know, there is no way to convert images with envmap lighting into images with flash lighting. You would have to re-render using Mistuba.