jQuery-File-Upload is developed by Sebastian Tschan, with the source available on github. Example code is ported to Django by Sigurd Gartmann (sigurdga on github).
This is a small example on how to setup Sebastian Tschan's jQuery File Upload in Django. He has a working demo on his webpage and a github repository with an example on how to do it in PHP.
Here, you'll find a minimal Django project with a minimal app. You can run the example standalone by cloning the repository, running the migrations and starting the server.
I want to give a thank to Sebastian Tschan, the original author, and Jørgen Bergquist for helping me over the first hurdles.
- Drag and drop files
- Select multiple files
- Cancel upload
- Delete uploaded file (from database only)
- No flash (or other browser plugins) needed
- … more at the upstream's features page
- run ./manage.py syncdb
- go to localhost:8000/upload/new/
- upload some files
MIT, as the original project. See LICENSE.txt.