
Openhardware educational platform based on the ideas of the ulx3s and Gecko4Education

MIT LicenseMIT


The Gecko5Education is a new take on an open hardware educational platform. The ideas of the Gecko5Education are based on the open hardware ULX3S board, the Gecko4Education line of boards, and the recently developed Leguan development board.

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This is a small (60.6x100 mm) standalone FPGA board for education, research and general purpose. It's open source and open hardware. It continues my line of educational boards used in the past for teaching and research projects.


The prototypes for these boards were produced and mounted by Eurocircuits.


The prototypes for these board (V1.0 and V1.1) were financed by the computer architecture lab of EPFL. Version V1.2 and the CPU-addon was financed by the HuCE-microlab of BFH.