
CIFAR100 image classification competition repository. Neural networks course at ITBA.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Work developed in Python using Jupyter Notebooks for the Neural Networks course at ITBA. The work consisted on a Kaggle challenge to classify images from the CIFAR-100 dataset.

The link to the Kaggle competition is https://www.kaggle.com/c/rn2021q1itba-cifar100.

For the competition, we tried several architectures, topologies or networks until we finally won using transfer learning and EfficientNetB3. The winner jupyter notebook is named test-09


In the analysis/ folder, there is a jupyter notebook were we analyzed the dataset to have a better understanding of the problem.


In the tests/ folder, there are other folders with jupyter notebooks for each attempt we did in order to reach a winner neural network.

  • test-00: Base neural network with minor improvements
  • test-01: TL with ResNet50 val_acc = 0.77
  • test-02: TL with VGG16 not good results at first, we dropped this path
  • test-03: Data augmentation (testing different libraries with the model created in test-00 and test-02)
  • test-04: TL with EfficientNetB0 val_acc = 0.84
  • test-05: Custom model with data augmentation val_acc = 0.63
  • test-07: TL with EfficientNetB2 val_acc = 0.85
  • test-09: TL with EfficientNetB3 val_acc = 0.87