
how to extract preceding comment from a statement?

wez opened this issue · 6 comments

wez commented

I don't see an obvious way from the API docs to to access the comments from the ast for something like this:

---@class Foo
---@field name string the name of the Foo
local Foo = {}

what's the recommended way to be able to extract the uninterrupted sequence of comments that precedes an ast node?

Does leading_trivia() do what you want?

wez commented

I don't know what it does?

wez commented

and by that I mean, the docs don't specify what leading trivia is, or its scope:

can you clarify the behavior? What is exactly is trivia in this context?

Oh, surrounding_trivia() will work too. https://docs.rs/full_moon/latest/full_moon/node/trait.Node.html#method.surrounding_trivia

Trivia is whitespace and comments, anything that doesn't have a node on its own.

wez commented

I see, so parse() will yield an Ast, and from there ast.nodes() will yield each node, and node.surrounding_trivia() will get the before/after tokens.

Yup, that's correct. The preceding comment of each statement is attached as leading trivia of the first token in the statement. Generally, it can be accessed using node.surrounding_trivia() on the Node trait that each specialised node implements.

You can also treat each statement node individually if you wish. For the example in OP, you have a LocalAssignment, and the two comments are leading trivia on the LocalAssignment::local_token()