
VS Code extension lints files outside of workspace root.

alterae opened this issue · 2 comments

Expected Behavior

Selene's VS Code extension should only lint files present in the workspace root. IE: given a workspace with the root ~/code/factorio/chunk-power the extension should only lint files under that directory.

Actual Behavior

The extension lints workspace files, but also lints files such as ~/.vscode/extensions/sumneko.lua-3.7.4-darwin-arm64/server/meta/Lua 5.2 en-us utf8/basic.lua and ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/factorio.app/Contents/data/base/scenarios/freeplay/freeplay.lua when other extensions use those files to aid static analysis.

To clarify, is this what's happening?

  1. Open ~/code/factorio/chunk-power in vscode
  2. Open an external file like ~/Library/**/*.lua
  3. External file gets linted

no, external files are getting linted without me directly opening them (tho the files it lints seem to be ones the lua LSP is aware of/using for type-checking