
Primary LanguagePython

ILogicEval construction

symdata folder contains predefined templates for transformation to natural language

Order of running the files:

  1. make_expression.py
  2. snli_preprocessing.py
  3. mnli_preprocessing.py
  4. dataset_formation_3c1e_3e1c.py
  5. dataset_formation_missing.py
  6. to_train_test_val.py (can create ILogicEval and s-ILogicEval)

As a Pre-training Corpus in Other Logic Reasoning Task

Result can be found in EvalAI ReClor Leaderboard

Run the file to create f-ILogicEval (only need to remove instance in train.json): f-ILogicEval.py

  1. git clone MERIt GitHub repo and download deberta-v2-xlarge in MERIt/pretrained-models/ git clone https://github.com/SparkJiao/MERIt.git
  2. put the two files: deberta_mynew.yaml and deberta_mynew2.yaml in putToMERItConf folder to MERIt/conf/deberta_v2/
  • extra pretraining (change the train_file, dev_file, test_file in deberta_mynew.yaml to run on f-ILogicEval and s-ILogicEval) python reclor_trainer_base_v2.py seed=4321 -cp conf/deberta_v2 -cn deberta_mynew.yaml
  • finetune on ReClor task python reclor_trainer_base_v2.py seed=4321 -cp conf/deberta_v2 -cn deberta_mynew2.yaml

Performance in Traditional LLMs

put the albert_mynew.yaml in putToMERItConf folder to MERIt/conf/albert/ and run

python reclor_trainer_base_v2.py seed=4321 -cp conf/albert -cn albert_mynew.yaml

put the mynew.yaml in putToMERItConf folder to MERIt/conf/roberta/ and run

python reclor_trainer_base_v2.py seed=4321 -cp conf/roberta -cn mynew.yaml

Performance in Top Performing LLMs

Run file: runtopllms.py

copy the print result to corresponding files, group the lines if one return is printed in multiple lines

Evaluation and metric computation: topllms_eval.py