
A dead simple browser module for hash routing

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A dead simple module to manage hash routing in the browser.


You can either use the module with npm

`npm install routy`

Or include the file build/Routy.js in your HTML (which provides a wrapper at window.Routy)

Examples of usage

Simple usage with controller functions

Bind functions to hashbang routes, execute them by changing the hash location to #/path.

var Router = Require('routy').Router;

var myRouter = new Router();

function index (route, req) {
    console.log(route); // The Route instance (containing path, custom options, ..)
    console.log(req);   // Will contained requested path, URL params, etc.. (If availabe, in different forms)
    console.log(this);  // The Router instance - also containing current `.path` and `.route`

function logParams (route, req) {
    console.log(req.namedParams);   // { apples: '..'}

function logOptions (route, req) {
    // Access route custom options. Boom!
    console.log(route.options);  // { someOption: 'wooah' }

.add('/', index)
.add('/foo/:apples', logParams)
.add('/bar', logOptions, { someOption: 'wooah' })
.on('change', function (req, route) {
    console.log('Changing to path: ' + req.path);

Extending routes

You can extend routes options by using the id and extends keys inside your route options object.

For example:


// This route will be extended
.add('/', {
    id  : 'parent-route',
    foo : 'bar',
    bar : 'foo'

// This route will also contain a `foo` option set to 'bar'
.add('/extended', {
    extends : 'parent-root',
    bar     : 'foo'

Simple templates example

Routy.Router instanciates as an event emitter.

Intercept the change event and access custom route options to render a template.

var Router = require('routy').Router;

var router = new Router(),
    view = document.getElementById('view');

// A full implementation would load templates from elsewhere

.add('/', { template: '<h1>Main</h1>' })
.add('/foo', { template: '<h1>Foo</h1>' })
.add('/bar', { template: '<h1>Bar</h1>' })
.on('change', changeView);

function changeView (req) {
    view.innerHTML = req.route.options.template;


Intercept route changes + redirect

You can intercept the beforeChange event to apply a redirect by setting a .redirect value on a Routy.Router instance.

var Router = require('routy').Router;

var router = new Router(),
    isLoggedIn = false;

.add('/private-view', { requiresLogin: true })  // Custom option
.on('beforeChange', intercept);

function intercept (req) {
    if (req.route.options.requiresLogin) {
        // Use the router.redirect property to redirect to a different path
        router.redirect = '/login';


Intercept route changes + cancel

When intercepting beforeChange you can also just cancel route change before it happens by setting the .cancel property to true.

var Router = require('routy').Router;

var router = new Router();

.on('beforeChange', intercept);

function intercept (req) {
    if (req.route.path === '/locked') {
        // Use the router.cancel property to prevent redirection
        router.cancel = true;


HTML5 mode

Hashbangs are not exactly the fanciest way of building routes in a one page app.

Activate HTML5 mode (Uses history.pushState) to have clean URL routes.

When the page is initialised they will parse the current location.pathname and execute on the appropriate route.

HTML5 mode will also listen for clicks on <a> tags and replace the default behaviour of relative links.

var Router = require('routy').Router;

var router = new Router();

.on('change', onChange);

function onChange (req) {
    // "/foo"


Router API

  • .add(route_pattern, [ route_function ], [ route_options ]) - Add a route with custom options and callback function
  • .otherwise(redirect_path) - Set a default path string to redirect to when trying to access an undefined route
  • .run() - Start listening to hash change events
  • .stop() - Stop listening to hash change events
  • .refresh() - Re-trigger route behaviour based on current path
  • .goTo(path) - Direct to a given path
  • .html5([ state ]) - Pass a boolean (Defaults to true) to set / unset HTML5 mode


  1. Clone the repo and install the dependencies
git clone git@github.com:KanoComputing/routy.js.git
cd routy.js
npm install
  1. Update the build
npm run build


Copyright (c) 2014 Kano Computing Ltd. - Released under the MIT license