
Enable commit message linter in CI

lordrip opened this issue · 0 comments


Currently, we're not enforcing any type of commit message anywhere, and while all contributions are more than welcome, we risk some commits falling through the cracks because they didn't have the right schema.

As an example, notice the following commit message:

mark a step as invalid when there are missing required parameters

This would be a great long-awaited feature, but since there's no heads-up as this is a feature, it might fall through the rest of the commits like the dependencies update.

The idea would be to have a commit message schema, that allows us to automatically group commits by type, meaning that the previous message would be rewritten as:

feat(viz): mark a step as invalid when there are missing required parameters

ensuring that it will have the appropriate visibility and recognition on the release notes.


The goal is to little by little streamline the release process by, in this opportunity, with the release notes.

In addition to that, this would be the first step to automatically generate a CHANGELOG.md file that we could leverage later on leverage to use in the Kaoto website.

In an ideal world, a release will:

  1. Create the CHANGELOG.md file grouped by features, fixes, chores, breaking changes, etc...
  2. Release the npm package with only the build library to be used by vscode-kaoto or any other subsequent application that wants a modified version of Kaoto
  3. Publish an automated post on the kaoto.io website with the changelog
  4. Publish an automated post on social media

Probably 3. and 4. could be achieved with a Camel integration 😄