- 1Wyatt1
- albertyesboop
- alfeda1
- Anomalia2022United States
- Antineutrino-4444
- ayana0409
- benwars7
- Craig230
- cursed-bot
- eliminated
- FuryFire2004
- gitmickymike
- Gupyzer0
- iowatech80
- IsaQuest
- jhsulSpaceX
- Manhandlingtech
- Matthias32Germany
- MitohnesprudelGermany
- nhathadt11Ho Chi Minh City
- parkerpar10
- PizzaRules668
- SAMCG14Colombia
- shtempelksp
- SofieBrinkNetherlands
- spacefacey
- Sputnik-Planitia
- T-Painkoff
- The0n1y5pace4ceThe Space Ace
- VeezyLife
- vghfrUnited States of America
- Vicwxy9
- Vinyl-The-HorseSomewhere in the middle of the United Kingdom
- WallumUK