
More Info needed regarding #5 UITableView Cells with Enum

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello @KarimEbrahemAbdelaziz ,
Please add to the notes that the XNib file that contain the cell must have that cell identifier with the same value as one we want to add in the enum. Or don't enter a value for the identifier in the first place and it will take the value of the file name by default.

Hello @KarimEbrahemAbdelaziz ,
Please add to the notes that the XNib file that contain the cell must have that cell identifier with the same value as one we want to add in the enum. Or don't enter a value for the identifier in the first place and it will take the value of the file name by default.

Hey Ahmed,
Thanks for your interested in the repo and 🥇 issue :D
I already did what you said.
"what you only need to set cell reuse identifier in xib file as it's class name"
do you think it's not clear enough?!

Hello @KarimEbrahemAbdelaziz ,
I'm sorry to inform you that it was not clear to me but after testing and playing with it. I thought I would ask you to added this little info to the repo.

Hello @KarimEbrahemAbdelaziz ,
I'm sorry to inform you that it was not clear to me but after testing and playing with it. I thought I would ask you to added this little info to the repo.

Sure I could add it. just tell me the exact phrase you want to add and i will for sure :)
Or even better why didn't fork the repo and make a pull request with the changes? :)