Timeout has no affect.
NLLAPPS opened this issue · 1 comments
NLLAPPS commented
I am not sure it it is my fault. I don;t think it is but, Timeout option seems to have no affect.
Here is my sample notification that does not timeout after any seconds
`fun test(context: Context) {
val title= "Test title"
val commonNotificationAlertingPayload = commonNotificationChannelAlertPayload(context)
val addIntent = .....
val pendingAddIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, addIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT)
.meta {
timeout = 60 * 1000L // Auto dismiss after 60 seconds
cancelOnClick = true
clickIntent = pendingAddIntent
.alerting(commonNotificationAlertingPayload.channelKey) {
lockScreenVisibility = commonNotificationAlertingPayload.lockScreenVisibility
channelName = commonNotificationAlertingPayload.channelName
channelImportance = commonNotificationAlertingPayload.channelImportance
.header {
icon = R.drawable.ic_question_black_24dp
color = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.color_primary)
showTimestamp = true
.content {
title = title
text ="Test"
NLLAPPS commented
It seems to work on real device but not on Emulator. Weird.