
Stackable notification can't be canceled

kukadiajayesh opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm developing chat application where I need to show notifications with stack for each user's chat. Once user opens that conversation all unread notifications should be removed. To cancel I used Notify.cancelNotification method but it is not cancelling.

Later, after lots of debugging I found when I set Stackable.key to show stack notification, and this key passed as tag on notification posted by io.karn.notify.internal.NotificationInterop#showNotification actually calls notifyAsUser with tag and id.

Hence, when I try to cancel it I must pass tag and id both params. But in lib there is no cancel method with tag param.

Please add tag param for cancel notification

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 23 55 21

Right now to cancel the stackable notification I have to call

fun cancelNotification(tag: String?, id: Int) {
        (context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager).cancel(tag, id)