
NZ Topomaps

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I am not presently an SF user until a working phone's available again (hopefully Jolla will get a 10 III port out before they go out of production), so feel free to ignore me.

The proper NZ Topomap is far better than OSM for me.
Gavin offers downloads as MBTiles
"The smaller free Chatham Islands download can be used to test compatibility, the large mainland download is charged for to help cover service costs."

Not sure of they can be used with Scout and server?

His main site also has:
Available NZ Topo50 download formats:

Print ready LINZ maps with legend (TIFF images)
Georeferenced LINZ maps (GeoTIFF images)
Garmin Custom Maps / Google Earth overlays (KMZ files)
Garmin Custom Maps

Karry commented

Well, this tile format is not supported by OSM Scout. As this app is heavily based on libosmscout, with its own database format (imported from OSM data), it would be hard to support it... Instead, I would recommend to improve outdoor map style...