
This app demonstrates a bug in the MediaRecorder class of Glass XE19.1, as well as a workaround for it. h/t to mark gamache for posting this.

The following activity tests the MediaRecorder class by recording a 5 second video.

Try it from the command line:

  adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n

The code in was tested on the following devices:

  • Nexus 4 running Android 4.4.4 (working)
  • Google Glass XE 18.3 (working)
  • Google Glass XE 19.1 (error fixed with commit 3492baf408bf6a5c31ce2269ba355540955d069d)

Without the workaround, RecorderActivity logs the following error as of XE 19.1:

  W/CameraBase﹕ mediaserver's remote binder Camera object died
  W/CameraBase﹕ Camera service died!
  E/Camera﹕ Error 100