Translations stopped working today
allenweiss opened this issue · 4 comments
For the past several months, this worked fine but now I'm getting this when I call this
lingo.get_translations(word to translate, source=sr, target=tg)
duolingo.DuolingoException: Could not get translations
Anybody run into this problem?
The same happens to me.
My code looks like this:
lingo = duolingo.Duolingo(username, password)
translations = lingo.get_translations(['da'], source='ro', target='en')
which makes a request to this url:
with the following 404 response:
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>404 Not Found</h1>
The resource could not be found.<br/><br/>
Another library user here. Following @Otto-AA 's link, now results in:
This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.
I'm guessing that this particular endpoint is not coming back. :)
I've been casually searching but haven't yet found any other projects in other languages that identify an alternative for this endpoint. If anyone does, could you post it here?
I just switched to googletrans
It does everything I need in translations.
I'm using Translations for single words can be problematic when the word has more than one meaning or part of speech, but it's good enough for my purposes.
## Returns a list of all vocabulary seen by user, arranged by parts of speech
import duolingo
import inspect
import googletrans
# Fix for broken password support - use JWT inst
source = inspect.eadgetsource(duolingo)
new_source = source.replace('jwt=None', 'jwt')
new_source = source.replace('self.jwt = None', ' ')
exec(new_source, duolingo.__dict__)
lingo = duolingo.Duolingo('username', jwt='your_jwt_here')
translator = googletrans.Translator()
allwords = []
vocab = lingo.get_vocabulary(language_abbr='pt')
for element in vocab['vocab_overview']:
if element['pos'] == "Verb":
word = {'word': element['infinitive'], 'pos': element['pos']}
word = {'word': element['word_string'], 'pos': element['pos']}
if word not in allwords:
# Vocabulary is returned most recently practiced first, so reverse it
parts = [
for pos in parts:
for element in allwords:
if element["pos"] == pos:
print('{word} - {trans}'.format(
trans=translator.translate(element["word"], src='pt', dest='en').text)
Worth noting that you can pass an array and have it translate words in bulk, but one at a time was easier here, and I haven't hit any rate limits yet.