
jquery isn't loading

bsiddiqui opened this issue · 4 comments

If I load this boilerplate up as is, I get this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'extend' of undefined

Looks like jquery isn't loading before gmail.js needs it

@bsiddiqui can I know how you are installing/loading it? I've tested it on 4+ accounts and 3 browsers with no issues

@KartikTalwar just cloned it and loaded it as an unpacked extension, went to gmail, and opened console

Fascinating. Would it be possible for you to paste a screenshot of the console? My best guess is that some other extension is interfering with it. It might be worth checking if jquery already exists in gmail (from another ext) before loading this boilerplate. You should also try typing gmail in the console to confirm if it ends up eventually loading gmail.js

Yeah I think you're right - I disabled a few extensions and it started working. I think the culprit was Boomerang