
Feature Request: Configurable Min/Max values

ddeconin-gh opened this issue · 2 comments

Thx for your work!
Not sure if this is the right place, but I've thought of a few additional features that would be great.

  • An 'offset' value that would take the climate offset and add +/- x degrees to both the displayed value and the dial.
  • A Min/Max config value to set minimum & maximum values allowed by the dial.

Thx again for all of the nice work!


At least for Generic Thermostat, the min_temp: and max_temp: attributes will set also the min and max for this card. And that is the best way to do this, Not by separate min and max for the card.

At least for Generic Thermostat, the min_temp: and max_temp: attributes will set also the min and max for this card. And that is the best way to do this, Not by separate min and max for the card.

Hi, Not sure I understand. What I want is to be able to put this card on a view that is available to my children and for which I don't want them to be able to raise the temperature too high or too low. Hence , I want to limit the specific card, not the Arico Unit as a whole...