BT turns off if Sonoff TRVZB is physically clicked
eflye opened this issue · 6 comments
- Sonoff TRVZB
BT instance is disabled if you physically click the button on TRV associated with it because clicking on Sonoff TRVZB TRV switch it from "heat" to "auto".
On Sonoff TRVZB "auto" mode go on the preset heating schedule.
Steps to Reproduce
- Setup one BT associated with a Sonoff TRVZB
- Click on TRV
- BT is disabled following error message
> 2024-11-03 18:10:15.245 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.better_thermostat.utils.helpers] better_thermostat None: climate.salon_radiateur_baie_vitree HVAC mode auto is not supported by this device, is it possible that you forgot to set the heat auto swapped option?
Expected behavior:
Switch back TRVZB to heat
Actual behavior:
BT is disabled and you have to start it back manually.
Current workaround is to enable Child lock on all Sonoff TRVZB to disable any physical action on TRV.
- Sonoff TRVZB firmware version 1.2.1 (issue was already present on previous version)
- Home Assistant Core 2024.10.4
- Supervisor 2024.10.3
- Operating System 13.2
- Frontend 20241002.4
- Zigbee2mqtt 1.41.0
Additional Information
Hi, I have the same TRV and the same problem, but I haven't noticed the log message. Did you try to set the "swap heat/auto" option, like the log message suggests?
Hi, the swap option is not here for this case, it's here for ts0601 behaviour were heat mode means "forcing heat without taking any target temperature setup" and auto being the classical heat mode with target temperature (i used to have ts0601 before sonoff one )
Is it a bug or a feature? If handled in BT at all, this should be an option.
Another workaround / way to make use of the "Auto" feature would be to create an automation which triggers on "Auto" and changes it back to "Heat", or make it even smarter and switch to "Off" if it is "Auto" and was "Heat" previously, "Heat" if it was "Off" previously. Makes it a nice physical on / off toggle.
I don't have the answer, for now if you physically change your target temperature on your TRV, BT rollback it to your target temperature setup on itself, so do you consider switching physically to another mode should be handled in the same way with a BT rollback?
in any case, I wanted to share the behavior here because it took me several days to understand why I had BTs that stopped randomly and that the culprits were the children playing around the radiators :D
"Auto" requires the schedule entity.
But the schedule entity has to deactivate to use the Sonoff TRVZB with BT: #1372
So "Auto" is useless-> It is a bug, not a feature! Also you do not need a schedule in the device, if you are using HA.
I agree with @eflye:
The expected behavior is:
Switch back TRVZB to heat
in any case, I wanted to share the behavior here because it took me several days to understand why I had BTs that stopped randomly and that the culprits were the children playing around the radiators :D
Maybe it's not even the children. At least with some TRVs this also happens without any human interaction as reported here: #1223