
There is no option to choose cloudflared or ngrok....

Darkrevengehack opened this issue · 3 comments

As you can see, the option to choose cloudflared or ngrok does not appear...

@OrganicCrown3536 There is no need to choose. By default camhacker will start every tunneler ngrok, cloudflared and loclx. You can specify url shortener to one by "-t" argument

@OrganicCrown3536No hay necesidad de elegir. Por defecto, camhacker iniciará todos los túneles ngrok, cloudflared y loclx. Puede especificar el acortador de URL a uno con el argumento "-t"

The argument "t" does not appear and the tool does not start when choosing any of the first 3 options....

@OrganicCrown3536 If you need other tunneler than cloudflared use "t" like ./ch.sh -t ngrok. Otherwise, skip it.