
Error in Wi-Fi interface check regex

g-hartmann opened this issue · 0 comments

In install.sh, line 399:

if echo "$iface" | grep -Eq "(wlan[0-9]|wl[a-z0-9]{20})"; then

In case the Wi-Fi interface used to create the AP is named after the modern naming scheme, e.g. wlp2s0, the if-check fails because the regex matches the string only if it contains wl, followed by exactly 20 [a-z0-9] characters.

It was probably meant to check for wl followed by at least 2, and up to 20 [a-z0-9] characters.

Changing it to if echo "$iface" | grep -Eq "(wlan[0-9]|wl[a-z0-9]{2,20})"; then should fix the issue.