
[Suggestion] Require at least 1 full movement point for entering a building or transport.

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Reasoning :

  • for clarity : it is not intuitive that one can enter a building/unit when (while being on a road/bridge) when it is displayed you have 0 movement points left.

  • Now 1 (6 speed) engineer can build 12 roads in one turn (together with an air transport or sea transport). These are tedious repetitive tasks one needs to micromanage from time to time to get an edge, imho it would be better this just can not be done.

  • Attack and withdraw using Sea transports (and roads) is too overpowered due to the limited amount of movement points required to hop on and off ST's (making it too easy to start an assault from very far away, using multiple ST's, attack and then even get back to that safe spot.
    It's a valid strategy ofcourse but imho the game balance would better if it is dwarfed a bit like this.