
Basic Mario clone in LÖVE 2D

Primary LanguageLua

Falling in LÖVE with Lua

Seminar Source by Colton Ogden

Installation and Usage

mario_cs50 image

About Game Structure in Repo

  • mario-0: It basic setup of game structure and how to get started with game development in mario world.
  • mario-1: Creating Tile from spritesheets as Level 1 of mario.
  • mario-2: Auto Scrolling map with tile for game progress.
  • mario-3: Controls screen tile with keybooard arrow keys.
  • mario-4: Procedural generation of game.
  • mario-5: Adding avatar in game.
  • mario-6: Moving character in game with camera movements.
  • mario-7: Adding Animations in character.
  • mario-8: Adding Jumping feature with gravity & velocity concepts of physics.
  • mario-9: Adding feature to hit blocks aka collision detection.
  • mario-10: Adding Collisions, like tiles, blocks, pillars, etc.
  • mario-11: Musical Update for the game.

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