
Mentioning system with context

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I would like to have a bot experience for my users that comes very near to interacting with a normal discord user. Like when a user doesn't use commands to access a conversation with context, but just mentions the bot so that it knows when it's getting talked to. I believe this is already implemented, but it works without context to earlier messages with mentions.

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I would suggest that even when you just mention the bot, it remembers the conversation that the user and the bot have done earlier. For example when I type "@bot Can you tell me what this discord server has to offer" and the bot answers something like "Of course, the server... [bla bla bla]" and then I type "@bot Nice, can you tell me more about the second offer that you just mentioned?" and he remembers the context, just like in a typical GPT conversation.

I think this would be very nice, because the user wouldn't be bound to start a conversation with a command, but rather interact with the bot like a typical discord-user-like-chatbot that just doesn't answer to every message sent in the server, but just to those where it is mentioned and it knows what the user and the bot has talked about earlier or rather a few seconds / minutes ago.

Maybe this could be implemented in a seperate mode. Maybe you can implement this so that users can configure the mode in the configuration and set it to either "Classic" or "Realistic / Chatbot mode" for example.

Oh, and I don't know if this is already implemented or if it's even possible but I would enjoy if the bot could have some context about the server itself. Like if I ask the bot "Can you tell me where I find the rules" and it tells me the channel where I can find them. Or if I ask them "Where do I find some nice highlight clips of other people's games" and the bot knows about the #clips-and-highlights channel and tells me about it.