
Unable to Install Application via Shopify Partner Dashboard

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Currently, we have encountered an issue when attempting to install the application via the Shopify Partner Dashboard in both development (dev) and production (prod) modes.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in to the Shopify Partner Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the "Apps" section.
  3. Select your app's name.
  4. In the "Overview" section, click "Test your app."
  5. Select a store name.
  6. Click "Install."

Expected Behavior:
The application should install successfully when initiated via the Shopify Partner Dashboard.

Actual Behavior:
When attempting to install the application using this method, it throws a "No active shops found" error message.

Additional Information:

This issue occurs in both development (dev) and production (prod) modes.
Installation via the https://<ngrok-url>/auth?shop=mystorename.myshopify.com URL works as expected.