
September 25th, 2022

Counted seventeen HR messages on LinkedIn this morning. Must remember to begin looking for new job tomorrow.

IT is changing.

Entering diner, bought coffee, then sat watching my LinkedIn page, immediately across the street. Mostly experienced with Go, Java and Typescript (Node), especially in creating back end and server applications. Use Traefik, RabbitMQ, Docker, CIs, databases from MySQL to MongoDB to Redis. Still feel in the game with some statistics.

Kaysoro GitHub stats

Doesn't fit. Can't concentrate. Too tired. No sleep since Saturday. Walked home past trashcans stuffed with rumors of war, weighing factors-bodies, motives...waiting for a flash of enlightenment in all this blood and thunder.

July 14th, 2016

On Thursday night, a bot was born in Annecy. Someone pushed it on Github and when it triggered Travis CI its unit tests was driven up into a NullPointerException. Nobody cares. Nobody cares but me. Are they right? Is it futile? Soon Github will be at Microsoft. Millions will leave. Millions will move to Gitlab and SourceForge. Why does one project matter against so many? Because there is creativity and there is contribution, and they must be put forward. Even in the face of Armageddon I shall not compromise in this. But there are so many ideas deserving of contribution... and there is so little time.

September 25th, 2013

The Github registration is finished at last - Wonderful repositories and licencies, as all things should be. I am glad I decided to keep my old projects these past two years. The profile is perfect, a thing of true beauty... A profile that can shelter me from the world and hide my weary senses. A profile which I can finally stare down in the mirror.

From this point on, I've decided to versionate everything I learn and develop which might possibly have a bearing upon my nocturnal mission. This journal will be a complete record of my deeds which I can refer back to and a voucher to show the HRs when they come looking for me on LinkedIn.

I'll start tonight with Git and its commands.