
Cooldown and Item tracking

Nillinn opened this issue · 1 comments

I know this is kinda specific and probably hard to do, but...
Are there plans on pulling the cooldown tracking and maybe item quantity tracking system from in game hotbars to the stream deck plugin, so they show up in the buttons? Maybe something like the TPie or QoLBar plugins do.

And thank you so much for the plugin, it works wonders

I covered this a bit in #2. This is absolutely something I do want to do, but you are correct that exposing this information is not quite as simple as it should be.

Right now, the plugin is pretty simple. For hotbars, it will just grab the icon from the game's data and then display that as a button. Rendering additional information (such as MP costs, cooldowns, charges, etc.) will require the plugin to compose a new icon on the fly with all the information appropriately overlaid. This is by no means impossible, but it will require more knowledge about the game than we have in some cases and will require a rewrite of the render engine.

I'll hold this Issue open for now, but I can't make any promises as to when this will happen (although I do like the idea!).