Minor CMake issue?
morkenborken opened this issue · 1 comments
morkenborken commented
I'm getting an error in CMake while building. It says it requires "language dialect C89" but that CMake doesn't know the compile flags for it.
As far as I can tell CMake only supports C90, C99 and C11 for CMAKE_C_STANDARD.Is it ok if I change it to C99? C89 and 90 apparently don't support single line '//' comments and I saw a whole bunch of those in the project.
While I'm at it, I wanted to add an option to build shared libs for CMake-gui and a pkg-config file. Any interest?
jacmoe commented
I changed it to 99, but I think the intention was to set it to 90 instead of 99.
See the latest change to the main CMake script.