
Chrome extension that lets you 1-click share your active tab through Facebook Messenger

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This Chrome extension will share any active tab through Facebook Messenger with one click.


Server part

  • Make sure you have Node.js installed
  • From your terminal, go into nodejs-server folder and run npm install
  • Run the server by executing npm start
  • Wait for Listening on :8080 message

Klink Extension part

  • From Google Chrome, type chrome://extensions in a new tab
  • Check Developer mode
  • Click Load unpacked extension and select the chrome-extension-package folder of the project
  • You should see a new extension in the toolbar, use your Facebook credentials to log in

Your credentials won't be store and only be used once for the first login.
Next, appstate.json will contain your Facebook session for further connections.

If any errors are thrown into the terminal, just restart the server.



This Chrome extension will chat with somebody through Facebook Messenger within developer tools


Server part

The same as Klink server

FBconsole Extension part

  • From Google Chrome, type chrome://extensions in a new tab
  • Check Developer mode
  • Click Load unpacked extension and select the chrome-console-ext-package folder of the project
  • You should see a new extension in the toolbar, go to option page to log in Facebook and set up the person you want to chat