Game Start
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Provide a group of C++ classes that implement a user interaction mechanism to start the game by allowing the
player to (1) select a map from a list of map files as stored in a directory (2) select the number of players in the
game (2-5 players) and (3) turn on/off any of the observers as described in Part 5. The code should then use the
map loader to load the selected map, create all the players, create a deck of cards, and assign an empty hand of
cards to each player. You must deliver a driver that demonstrates that (1) different valid maps can be loaded and
their validity is verified (i.e. it is a connected graph, etc.), and invalid maps are gracefully rejected; (2) the right
number of players is created, a deck with the right number of cards is created; (3) the observers can be turned
on/off during the game start phase. This must be implemented in a single .cpp/.h file duo named