
C# program that generates a world-wide earthquake map

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

quakemap is released under GPL version 2 or later. See the header comments in quakemaps.cs and the file COPYING.

When I was first learning C# (for Windows Phone 7 development while working at Nokia), I developed this program, "quakemap", as an exercise. It reads map and earthquake data, either from local files or from a web site, and generates a png image file plotting the locations of recent quakes. Parameters are specified by command-line options.

Nokia was kind enough to let me retain ownership of the code after I left.

I did most of the development using Mono on my Ubuntu system at home, but it also builds and runs under Windows using Microsoft Visual Studio. My original intent was to port the code to the Windows Phone platform, but several of the required libraries were unavailable.

This was a learning exercise. I make no claims that this program is a model of good C# style, or that it's as efficient as it could be. For example, all the plotting (lat/lon lines, shores, quake data) is done one pixel at a time.

The generated image uses:

  • Color to denote the time of the quake (red is recent, blue is 3.5 days ago, green is 7 days ago, with continuous shading for intermediate ages)
  • A black vertical line to denote the depth
  • The size of the circle to denote magnitude

I've included no-rivers.txt in this project; it's suitable as an argument to the -shoredata option (see below). Warning: This file is about 67 megabytes of plain text, about 3.2 million lines (each line represents a point on the Earth's surface).

By default, it will read shore data from shores.txt and quake data from eqs7day-M1.txt, and write the image to quakes.png, all in the current directory. If eqs7day-M1.txt is not available, it will read the data from a file on the USGS web site.

The file quakes-sample.png is a sample image file generated by the program, with the following arguments:

./quakemap.exe -width 4096 -rotation 117 -shore no-rivers.txt

It was generated at Sun 2012-11-04 22:20 UTC. The -rotation 117 argument centers the map on the longitude of San Diego, 117° West.

The file quakes-big.png is a very large (50 megapixels, 2.5 megabytes) image showing all recorded quakes over a period of about 19 months, from 2011-03-25 to 2012-11-09.

To compile under Ubuntu, you'll need to install the mono-gmcs package:

sudo apt-get install mono-gmcs

Then run this command:

gmcs -r:System.Drawing.dll quakemap.cs

This generates quakemap.exe, which can be executed. quakemap.exe -help shows the following usage message:

quakemap running in /home/kst/git/quakemap
Usage: quakemape.exe [options]
    -help            Show this message and exit
    -width num       Width of generated map, default is 4096
                     Sets height to width/2
    -height num      Height of generated map, default is 2048
                     Sets width to height*2
    -rotation num    Rotate num degrees
    -mercator        Use a Mercator projection
    -fade            Older earthquakes fade to white
    -gray            Show quakes in gray (overrides -fade)
    -quakedata name  Filename or URL of quake data file
                     May be repeated; first available name is used
                     Default list is:
    -shoredata name  Filename or URL of shore data file
                     Default list is:
    -imagefile name  Name of generated image file, should be *.png
                     Default list is:

(Some of the defaults are specific to the locations of files on my own current or former systems.)

-- Keith Thompson Keith.S.Thompson@gmail.com Mon 2012-11-12